Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!
Ports the Minecraft Forge Config API to Fabric, facilitating easier mod porting between loaders
Provides essential APIs for logging, GUI, and data handling, supporting Forge and Fabric mod compatibility.
Provides abstractions for cross-loader modding compatibility, facilitating ease in developing mods on Forge and Fabric platforms.
Porting Lib (also known as Forge PortingLib) is a library that ports many Minecraft Forge features to FabricMC and QuiltMC. The developer, AlphaMode and Fabricators-of-Create, is a developer of both F
Architectury API is an API that aims to provide common hooks for both Minecraft Forge and FabricMC Based Modloaders (like QuiltMC), allowing you to make mods for more than one mod loader more eas
MultiLoader Template is a mod development template designed for targeting Minecraft Forge, QuiltMC, and FabricMC in one environment. It is a Gradle project containing four nested Gradle projects, each